Professional Learning Opportunities and Presentations

Professional Learning Opportunities and Presentations

The IHC Board of Directors continues to promote ideas surrounding Indigenous cultural heritage through publications, webinars, presentations and conferences, and other learning approaches. Examples include the webinar “Indigenous Heritage Places and Perspectives” for the National Trust, presentations at conferences and national meetings, and input into legislative and regulatory committee work. The IHC is also a co-host of Canada’s annual heritage conference in collaboration with the National Trust and Canada Association of Heritage Professionals Annual Conference.

National Roundtables on Indigenous Cultural Heritage

National Roundtables on Indigenous Cultural Heritage

In 2016 and 2017, the IHC hosted two Roundtables on Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Ottawa and Vancouver. Participants included representation by Indigenous heritage stakeholders and representatives from non-Indigenous stakeholder organizations (including not-for-profits, government and professional). They discussed various challenges faced in addressing grant requirements, accepting objects for repatriation, strengthening Indigenous languages, promoting Indigenous protocols, and other issues tied to cultural heritage. These roundtables provided valuable feedback to guide the initial work of the IHC in developing its national mandate. See notes from the Ottawa and Vancouver meetings.